870 Software Regulations
NUMBER: | 870 |
RATIONALE: Oakland University (University) licenses numerous Software programs for its own use. The University enters into a license agreement with the owner of each Software program pursuant to which the University assumes certain legally binding obligations that must be followed by its employees. This policy seeks to reduce University exposure in critical areas, improve vendor accountability, and assure Software use in compliance with license restrictions and copyright. |
POLICY: University Software must be procured and acquired using standard University purchasing procedures, purchased with University funds and must be licensed to the University and not to individual employees.
SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY: This policy is applicable to all persons utilizing Software installed on any University Information Technology Resources. This policy also applies to all situations where University funds are used for Software purchase, either centrally or departmentally. |
DEFINITIONS: Information Technology Resources: Information Technology Resources includes without limitation, desktops, laptops, workstations, servers, tablets, smart-phones, appliances, application or hosting service provider services (ASPs), network devices, and any other hardware that makes possible the transmission, storage or use of Software. |
PROCEDURES: 1. Software Acquisition Software license acquisitions will be initiated using processes documented by Purchasing and University Technology Services (UTS); Software purchased using personal funds will not be reimbursed. The Academic Computing Committee of the University Senate may provide input to Purchasing and UTS on the process as it applies to academic Software. Please review UTS Campus Software Procedures for specific instructions.
Every effort will be made to avoid duplicative Software purchases.
2. Software License Use University use of Software shall be in compliance with the license agreement. No University employee shall violate the terms of a license agreement. Transferring possession of any copy, modification or merged portion of any licensed Software, whether gratuitously or for gain, shall be a violation of this policy and is prohibited by the University, unless transfer is explicitly allowed in the license. Such conduct may also violate state and federal law and subject an employee to civil and/or criminal penalties.
Software is intended for the use specifically authorized in the applicable Software license agreements and remains the intellectual property of the owner and is protected by copyright or patent.
Software installations cannot impair the operation of University network and servers. Software installations may also have risks for desktops, causing slow or unreliable performance. If found to be in conflict with University policies, or in conflict with educational, business, network or server operations, Software will be removed, or the hardware running the Software will be disconnected from or otherwise blocked from network connectivity, in compliance with OU AP&P #850 Network Policy and #890 Use of Information Technology Resources.
The responsibility for complying with this policy rests with each employee. Employees shall report any violations to their unit supervisors. Unit supervisors shall report violators for appropriate investigation and discipline. The individual with signing authority for purchase of Software, or that individual’s designee, is responsible for understanding the license installation, license use metrics, vendor management, and the ongoing verification of license compliance. Violations will be sanctioned according to University policy, including without limitation, OU AP&P #890 Use of University Information Technology Resources. |